Learning to Love
10th International Youth Forum
Rocca di Papa (Rome), 24-28 March 2010
10th International Youth Forum
In Rocca di Papa from 24 to 28 March, the 10th International Youth Forum took place with the theme " Learning to Love ": four days; two gatherings with the Holy Father; a message from the Pope to the delegates; 250 participants between the ages of 20 and 30, young people engaged in the Church from around 90 countries and 30 international movements, associations and communities. A... Read more
Learning to love
The International Youth Forum is held every three years, and so, from 24 to 28 March 2010 (leading up to Palm Sunday), the Pontifical Council for the Laity will invite around three hundred young people, delegates from bishops’ conferences and major international movements and associations to come together for this purpose. Our last two Forums dealt with the themes: “Witnessing to Christ in the... Read more
Message of his Holiness Benedict XVI
To my Venerable Brother
Cardinal Stanisław Ryłko
President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity
I am pleased to send my cordial greeting to you, to the collaborators of the Pontifical Council for the Laity and to all who are taking part in the 10th International Forum for Youth, which is... Read more
Introduction by Cardinal Rylko
Cardinal Carlo Caffarra
Attilio Danese and Giulia Paola di Nicola
Attilio Danese and Giulia Paola di Nicola
Concluding address by Cardinal Rylko
Holy Mass celebrated by Cardinal Rylko
Bishop Josef Clemens
Anastasia (Russia)
Cocken (Madagascar)
Elena (Uzbekistan)
Federico (Uruguay)
Rachel (USA)
Chiara Amirante, Founder of the Comunità Nuovi Orizzonti
Sister Mariana, Community of the Lamb
Panel discussion
Consequences of the sexual revolution by Most Rev. Jean Laffitte
Giovanni Paolo Ramonda, Pope John XXIII Community
Anne and Thomas
Paula and Joseph (Ireland)
Xavier and Dester (The Philippines)
Francois-Xavier and Yvonne Solange (Rwanda)
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