Welcome to our new website!


A month has past since the launch of the Pontifical Council for the Laity’s new website but we have already updated the women’s section. With a new design and a more international scope, our work is expanding as more possibilities are being created to better serve you with the help of this technological instrument. We continue to receive input and feedback but we would like a to receive even more from men and women of different countries that wish to share with our readers interesting articles, news or initiatives that may be of interest for this growing virtual community of people who are generously collaborating with us to promote women and to reflect on the complementarity man – woman in the Church and in society in our times. 

We invite you to make a small “tour” around our new webpage. In this section you will find an editorial that will be updated every two months. Below it you will find links to all the former editorials that have been posted since we started this initiative in 2008. 

In the articles section you will find this divided in four thematic areas, the same ones we have used since the beginning: Theology, Philosophy, Bible, Culture and Society. In this area the articles in the current language are found, but in the bottom of the page a link will allow the user to see the articles in other languages. This is the core part of our project, because it is where the dream of creating an online library of articles that promote reflection on women starts to become a reality; articles that are about women and the mutual complementarity between man and woman, articles that are in line with the way of thinking of the Church and that seek to illuminate the ever greater anthropological challenges of the present time. 

In the home page of the women’s section the news and reviews areas can also be found; may this be the occasion to reaffirm that suggestions of news, books, films or websites that we may propose to all our readers in this space are always welcome. 

At present we are leaving in the home page a space  for all the information regarding the Congress “Woman and Man” organized by the women’s section in 2008. 

Last but certainly not least in importance is the Magisterium area  that we update constantly with all that the Holy Father says about women. We hope that we will be able to expand this in the near future in order to include speeches of pontiffs to women and about women before 1965!

Book Reviews

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On 1 September 2016 the

Pontifical Council for the Laity
ceased its activities.
Its responsibilities and duties
have been taken over by the
Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life.

